
Waterproofing is prevent the seepage problems and keep the structure durable and strengthening. It is also important for the veracity of the building. Few of our Waterproofing services are :
- Metal coba
- Brick bat coba
- Acrylic Flexible waterproofing coating
- High performance Elastomeric coating
- Cementitious waterproof coating
- Crystalline waterproof compounds
- Integral waterproofing compounds
- Acrylic based Polumer coating
- Protective and decorative coating
- Injection Grouting
- Bituminous Membrane
- Sealant Applications
- Epoxy Waterproofing
A Little Information
The following areas are to be required waterproofing treatments at the stage of Pre constructions and Post constructions:
1. Below and Groundlevel of Buildings.
- Basements
- Foundations
- Retaining Walls
- Sumps
- Lift pit
- Swimming pools
- Sewage and Water treatment plants (STP)
2. Superstructures of building (Internal & External)
- Wall Cracks
- Wall Dampness
- Toilets
- Balcony
- Beam and Wall Joints
- Wall and Sunshade Joints
- AC and Plumbing holes
- Side Walls
- Sealant Applications for doors and windows etc.
3. Roofing Structures
- Cold Joint
- Expansion Joint
- Water tanks
- Roof Gardens
- Planter boxes
- Terrace Floorings
- Pitched Roofs
- Terrace patch works and coatings
- Pressure Grouting – Cement, Epoxy, PU
- Epoxy Grouting and Anchoring